Step up to the Plate
Please consider supporting Skyline Baseball by becoming a sponsor
Sponsorships are available at several levels
All corporate / individual sponsors receive these benefits:
Home Run Sponsor - $250
A stadium banner displayed at all home games featuring your company logo
Our banners are centrally located on the Skyline campus from March through October and seen by hundreds of Skyline families and summer tournament participants
Company mention by announcer during in-season home games and tournaments
Company name and logo listed in Senior Night program
Logo displayed on team website
Triple Sponsor - $200
Company mention by announcer during in-season home games and tournaments
Company name and logo listed in Senior Night program
Logo displayed on team website
Double Sponsor - $150
Company mention by announcer during home games and tournaments
Acknowledgement on team website
Single Sponsor - $100
Acknowledgement on team website
Eagle Scholarship Sponsor - Level 1: $225 or Level 2: $160
Your generous donation will help a player who needs financial assistance.Level 1: Covers team fees for one player for the Spring season, including uniform, travel, etc.
Level 2: Covers pre-season fees for one player, including batting and team indoor practices
Bucket of Balls Sponsor - $50
We spend over $2000 annually on baseballs. Your help is appreciated!To become a sponsor, please fill out the online form. Or, download the hard copy form to pay by check. Need more information? Please contact a2skylinehsbaseball@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support!
Thank You to our 2020-21 Sponsors!
Home Run
A-1 Rental
Carlyle Grill
Delux Drapery & Shade
The Mighty Mac
Mutual of Omaha
Natalie Henke, DDS
JP Commercial Real Estate
Middleton Property Services
Stadium Hardware
Stieper and Brust Orthodontics
Tribble Painting
Washtenaw Dairy
West End Grill
Bull Pen
Big George's Home Appliance Mart
Lon Horwedel Photo
MSW Printing