Welcome to the home of Ann Arbor Skyline Baseball
Skyline HS Baseball
Latest News:
Congratulations to our Varsity and Junior Varsity teams! Lets have a great season!
Practice Times
VARSITY - Monday - Friday (except game days) 4:45 - 6:15pm
JUNIOR VARSITY - Monday - Friday (except game days) 3:15 - 5 pm
Hit - A - Thon Fundraiser
Thursday May 9th
$20 / baseball hit by your favorite player!
If they hit a homerun with your ball you will receive part of the winnings $$$$
Pay to Participate Fee
Pay to Participate fee ($250 + $15 insurance) must be paid via the AA Rec Ed website before tryouts. If you have paid this for another sport this school year, 2023-24, you do not need to do it again.
Team Fee
IF you make the team there will be a $250 team fee.
**This covers jerseys, hats, belts, socks, field supplies
Athletic Registration
Complete both the parent and athlete portions online via PlanetHS.com. Please note that this requires uploading a current sports physical form dated April 15, 2022 or later. Registration must be verified by the Athletic Department.
***Please complete this ASAP- please do not wait until the Sunday before tryouts to complete this. click here for the link to Skyline athletic website with details and links.
Athlete Information Survey
All athletes, please complete this form by Friday, March 8th. Having this information early will help expedite getting everyone their jerseys and other uniform items on time.
Miracle League!
The Skyline Baseball Team volunteered this fall at the Miracle League of Plymouth for the second fall in a row.
Program Information
Get Social with Skyline Baseball! Follow us! We will be documenting the season on social channels:
Twitter: @AASkylineHSball
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a2skylinebaseball